Environment and Sustainability Committee
Inquiry into Energy Policy and Planning in Wales

EPP 43 – Steve Southam


Dear sirs.


I would register my support for a review of TAN8 and my opposition to the installation of windfarms in Mid Wales and their attendant pylons and hubs.


Does the Welsh Assembly Government not appreciate the important value of the countryside of Mid Wales? The value is actually more important than money, but as we muist talk in financial terms, please consider the impact on the following:


1    The wonderful visual amenity of the area brings in vast amounts of money in tourism.  I believe this industry is the largest in the area.£650m generated annually, employing 6500 people.


2    Look at the depreciation in house prices which will result. Is this how to woo voters?


3    The inevitable loss of jobs will impact on communities as people are forced to work elsewhere.


4    The transport issues during the planned construction was not addressed in Tan 8.  Again the impact on tourism and business in general will be devastating, not to mention the impact on the the public.


I am not against renewable energy, far from it. Tan 8 was adopted without due consultation with those who will be affected. I call for a thorough review of the whole energy generation question, in line with EU Directive 2001.


Steve Southam